Happy Unhappiness

Happy Unhappiness

It's funny how my happiest moments come when I'm at my lowest. Sure, I like being caught up in the busyness of life, jumping from one fun thing to another, living in a whirlwind of goodness. But in the midst of this, I find myself looking back to a time when things weren't going so [...]

What a Time to Be Alive // thoughts of hope for a helpless generation

What a Time to Be Alive // thoughts of hope for a helpless generation

Do you know what hiraeth means? It's a longing, a desperate search for a place that doesn't exist anymore, and maybe never did. When I was young, I felt it for the worlds between pages I held so dear – Narnia, Middle-Earth, the Ashtown estate. When I was older, I felt it for my worlds, [...]

The Elf Returneth // resurrections + resolutions + a rad new decade

The Elf Returneth // resurrections + resolutions + a rad new decade

Before I welcome myself back and gush about the new year, I'd like to issue a formal apology for using the word "rad" in my post's title. Do I like the word rad? No. Is it a redundant word that should be eradicated (*coughs* eRADicated... okay now I hate myself) from the English language? Absolutely. [...]

An Entrance and an Exit // life + camp nano + another hiatus + other such paraphernalia

An Entrance and an Exit // life + camp nano + another hiatus + other such paraphernalia

*casually slinks in* Did you miss me? (If not, please go away.) Yes, 'tis I, returned from the void of... everything. And boy howdy, do I have stories to tell! If you're not sitting on a stable, flat surface right now, I highly suggest reseating yourself. What follows is a long and intense summary of [...]

Open-ended Questions for Introspective Souls // eternal joy vs. temporal okayness

Open-ended Questions for Introspective Souls // eternal joy vs. temporal okayness

Lately, I've been having trouble sleeping. Not in a dark, dramatic, "the cares of this world keep me up," kind of way. Or in an, "I'm an incredibly unhealthy being who surfs the internet when I should be sleeping," kind of way. (I may be a teenager, but I'm not THAT far gone...) I'm not [...]