Single Line Story Challenge // flash-fiction + chaos + a broken printer

Single Line Story Challenge // flash-fiction + chaos + a broken printer

Good morning, minions! Featured on today's smorgasbord of randomness is an assorted selection of PRETTY WORDS!!! Hannah Gaudette extended an invitation to participate in the single-line story challenge, which is, in essence, a glorified flash fiction dump. Flash fiction is fun. Thus, here I am. The idea is to choose 5 out of 13 genres [...]

A Beast of Inhuman Author Prowess // aeterna + ramblings + writerversary + snippets + art + all the stuffs

A Beast of Inhuman Author Prowess // aeterna + ramblings + writerversary + snippets + art + all the stuffs

Well hello, my minions! It’s been a while since I mentioned my novel in progress, Aeterna, and some people (AKA me) were beginning to wonder if it fell off the face of the earth or was eaten by wargs or came to some other such hideous end. Folks, I have good news! Aeterna wasn’t eaten [...]

Bloodstained Prayers // a flash-fiction dump + Writer Games entries

Bloodstained Prayers // a flash-fiction dump + Writer Games entries

Remember that contest I told you about a while back? The flash-fiction thing I was a finalist in? The one I had a mental breakdown over because I was traveling during the last week and had only one day to write my final entry and everything seemed bleak and dismal and-- Yeah, so, I won. [...]

In Defense of Pink Spray-Paint // a short story

In Defense of Pink Spray-Paint // a short story

Well well, my friends, happy Thursday! For lack of entertaining stories or inspirational tragic musings, I come bearing a short-story. A very old short-story I wrote last summer and like quite a bit. Behold:   In Defense of Pink Spray-PaintShe sings while she paints, and sometimes dances, but no one cares because this is the [...]

The Elf Returneth // resurrections + resolutions + a rad new decade

The Elf Returneth // resurrections + resolutions + a rad new decade

Before I welcome myself back and gush about the new year, I'd like to issue a formal apology for using the word "rad" in my post's title. Do I like the word rad? No. Is it a redundant word that should be eradicated (*coughs* eRADicated... okay now I hate myself) from the English language? Absolutely. [...]

Common Sense // preptober prompts + week 4, day 2

Common Sense // preptober prompts + week 4, day 2

Heyo, humans, welcome back to week #4 of Preptober Prompts, hosted by yours truly! Today's prompt is... *drum roll*   And le song I chose-- For the record, this isn't my favorite song. But I do find it interesting, and it fits Liriel fairly well, so huzzah for that! (Also, the Orchardists are [...]