A Cup of Randomness // kittens + campfires + sarcastic summers

A Cup of Randomness // kittens + campfires + sarcastic summers

My friends, I come as a herald of happy things and sad things, great joy and exponential tragedy. The happy thing is that kittens exist. The sad thing is that I don't have it in me to write a blog post. "Whoa, whoa, Sarah, it's already been two weeks. You're skipping AGAIN?!?!" ...make me feel [...]

Euphoria // michigan sunsets + kitten pictures + a small sampling of anna weirdness

Euphoria // michigan sunsets + kitten pictures + a small sampling of anna weirdness

Guys, I'm not gonna lie: Life is pretty great right now. I know, I know, I just spent five weeks agonizing over some silly graduation, and before that, flipping out over basic social interactions and the price of eggs. The world is morbid and dark and determined to be miserable, and as a cynical INTJ, [...]

The Misery of Spring // a series of disturbed facial expressions

The Misery of Spring // a series of disturbed facial expressions

Hullo, minions! I was poking through some old drafts yesterday and came upon an aged, dusty post dated exactly one year ago today. Why I never posted it is beyond me, but after reading through it (and subsequently laughing my face off), I decided it would be quite appropriate for today. Enjoy the misery of [...]