Euphoria // michigan sunsets + kitten pictures + a small sampling of anna weirdness

Euphoria // michigan sunsets + kitten pictures + a small sampling of anna weirdness

Guys, I'm not gonna lie: Life is pretty great right now. I know, I know, I just spent five weeks agonizing over some silly graduation, and before that, flipping out over basic social interactions and the price of eggs. The world is morbid and dark and determined to be miserable, and as a cynical INTJ, [...]

The Return of the Blogger (and some long and mostly boring obligatory life updates)

The Return of the Blogger (and some long and mostly boring obligatory life updates)

Aaaaand she's back! Really!! This is not another trick!!! *confetti and fireworks and glitter even though no one will ever believe me ever again* I told you it wouldn't be long before I returned from my hiatus, and lo and behold, here I am, bringing sarcasm and glitter in my wake. You guys are troopers. [...]