Euphoria // michigan sunsets + kitten pictures + a small sampling of anna weirdness

Euphoria // michigan sunsets + kitten pictures + a small sampling of anna weirdness

Guys, I'm not gonna lie: Life is pretty great right now. I know, I know, I just spent five weeks agonizing over some silly graduation, and before that, flipping out over basic social interactions and the price of eggs. The world is morbid and dark and determined to be miserable, and as a cynical INTJ, [...]

Project Inspire // appreciating some pretty cool people

Project Inspire // appreciating some pretty cool people

Hello, minions! Today, we clear the stage for Project Inspire. What is Project Inspire, you ask? *snickers* Look, I'm a rather miserly soul when it comes to my writing, and generally maintain the attitude of-- But I'm not so arrogant that I won't admit if it weren't for the people who've cheered me on over [...]